What would be your choice of spread on your bread? Nutella? Fruit jam? Peanut Butter? Butter and Sugar? These are the normal spread me and you would apply on your toast...
As for me, instead of spreading the salted butter, I used ripened avocado on my toast... sprinkle pepper, add olives and cherry tomatoes and there you go.... extremely creamy and delish.. though it is just good by itself but sometime I layered my toast with beef strips or smoked salmon.... Try this out... you'll be addicted. Plus, it is factually nutritious..
Step 2 : Cut the avocado into halves and remove the skin

Step 3 : Toast 2 slices of wholemeal bread
Step 4 : Spread the chunky avocado flesh on your toast
Step 5 : Sandwich the avocado with another slice of toast

Step 6 : And finally without saying, have your first bite.....

As I ate too much of avocados ... in experiment of planting avocado seeds.... has seen the roots emerged from the seeds....
Just poke 3 toothpicks on the seeds at any angle, soak it in water and place it near window for the sunlight.

My avocado in my office.... hahaha

It is growing and we'll see what will happen on the next couple of weeks.....