Waroeng Penyet
Ayam Penyet AP
Ayam Penyet RIA
My first time tried this Ayam penyet is at Waroeng Penyet @ The Curve Damansara. I like it the first time I tasted the authentic recipe from Indonesia. For me, it's a simple dish but less is more.... the bumbu is very tasty and I like their special sambal.... problem with this Waroeng Penyet is the location. A bit far from my house....
Picture (googled)
This is me get together with Uncle Meet Again's wifey at Waroeng Penyet , The Curve... it was a year ago...
Fro left : Salmie, Ms Dots, Nonie & Sheena
We ordered grilled talapia
and of course the main dish .. ayam penyet (flattened chicken)
and kangkung masak tumis... thumb up ..
Last few months, I was quite happy to see this restaurant at Seksyen 9 called Ayam Penyet -AP. It was 5 minutes drive from my house.. I was so excited to try it... but after my first visit there... it's not up to my expectations... The crumb doesn't taste the same. I prefer the Ayam Penyet at Warong Penyet... so that is the first and last I ate there.. It could be the spice that makes the taste differs from Waroeng Penyet.
Picture googled (meru branch)
The rice was served together with the chicken... The sambal was not so "kick"....
Yesterday, on the way back from PD, all of us agreed to go to the curve to eat at Waroeng Penyet.. but enche hubby suggested we tried the new Ayam Penyet RIA. It was located at Section 9 Shah Alam too. not far from Ayam Penyet AP... I was 50-50 but enche hubby convinced that the franchise is originally from Batam.... so we went there and yes.... I like the taste.... almost similar or in fact better taste than Waroeng Penyet.... I'm more than happy to have lunch with my kiddos here...
Variety of flattened food to choose but it's not complete if you didn't order the Ayam Penyet itself.

This is the flattened chicken....served with kangkung,timun,kobis, tempe and tauhu plus the super hot sambal.
For a change I ordered Terung penyet as well....
Ayam penyet itself can be a bit dry without a soup. You can just asked for plain soup... but it would be special if you ordered oxtail soup.... very tasty and nice to eat when served hot.
Since everybody in family like the flattened chicken so much.. may be I should try this recipe. Lagipun enche hubby dah banyak kali bagi hint suruh I buat sendiri ayam penyet ni...
Resipi Ayam Penyet
Recipe extracted from Sinar Harian (Saturday, 6th November 2010)
1 ekor ayam (potong 8 bahagian, rebus selama 10 minit dan toskan
1/2 sudu jintan manis - goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
1/2 sudu jintan putih - goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
3 sudu biji ketumbar - goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
1 sudu besar serbuk kari ayam
1 sudu besar serbuk kunyit
1/2 sudu besar lada putih
3 ulas bawang putih
1 cm halia
Tepung beras
Minyak masak (untuk menggoreng)
10 batang cili merah (lebihkan jika mahu pedas)
10 biji cili padi
10 biji bawang kecil/merah (dihiris)
3 biji bawang putih (dihiris)
5 biji tomato (dipotong 4)
5 cm belacan
2 sudu ikan bili
3 sudu gula merah/secukup rasa
Cara-cara menyediakan
Ayam penyet
1. Masukkan semua bahan ( kecuali tepung beras dan minyak masak) dalam pengisar, kisar hingga halus
2. Lumur bahan dikisar pada ayam dan perap semalaman
3. Simpan bahan kisar yang berlebihan untuk goreng tempe dan tauhu
4. Setelah perap semalaman, golekkan pada tepung beras
5. Panaskan minyak dang goreng hingga garing
Untuk sambal
1. Goreng belacan seketika, angkat dan ketepikan
2. Masukkan bawang merah, bawang putih dan cili.
3. Setelah layu, masukkan tomato
4. Gaul rata dan tutup api, angkat danketepikan
5. Sejukkan semua bahan yang telah digoreng pada suhu bilik
6. Masukkan kesemunya ke dalam pengisar atau lesung batu , kisar atau tumbuk ke dalam periuk dan panaskan
7. Masukkan semua bahan tumbuk ke dalam periuk dan panaskan
8. Masukkan gulamerah dan gaul rata
9. Rasa sambal terhasil, tambah garam atau gula merah jika perlu mengikut citarasa
Hidangan ayam penyet, sambal dan sedikit sayuran seperti kangkung, timun dan kobis, bolehlah dimakan bersama nasi putih. Lebih sedap dimakan ketika panas.
Hopefully, the above recipe works.... so don't have to worry looking for best ayam penyet in town.
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